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Health Comes First


For years, patients have depended on us to provide this valuable service. We offer this and other specialized options to anyone in need of a Dermatologist they can trust. We are dedicated to building long-lasting relationships based on trust and medical integrity with every single patient.


Fractional laser skin resurfacing

Fractional laser skin resurfacing is a safe, long lasting and effective treatment used on:


Skin texture irregularities 

Pigmented lesions 

Fine lines 

Acne scars 

Sun damage

How fractional technology works:

The high speed ultrafine fractional laser will direct a grid pattern of tiny pulses of light at the skin. Each pulse delivers a column of energy that can reach the skin’s dermal layer. This stimulates a natural renewal process of the body’s own collagen. Also, because the laser beam has been fractionalized, small areas of untreated skin will be left between the treated spots. By strategically performing the procedure in this way, the healing process is accelerated.

Is fractional resurfacing right for me? 

Fractional skin resurfacing is a safe and effective procedure for almost any skin type. Fractional resurfacing can be applied to most areas of the body.

How long will my treatment take? 

The fractional treatment usually takes less than 30 minutes.

What does the laser treatment feel like? 

Treatment sensations vary from person to person. As tiny pulses of energy are delivered into the skin, most patients will experience a warm sharp feeling and an immediate tightening of the skin. Most patients look and feel like they have a mild sunburn for a few days after the treatment. Anesthetic ointments may be used to reduce any discomfort during and after the procedure.

How will I take care of my skin after treatment? 

Depending on the desired outcome, post-treatment care will vary from patient to patient. Most patients that have a full facial skin rejuvenation treatment will need to stay indoors for a few days while applying a topical ointment.


Diolite 532 Laser Treatment

This laser offers quick, comfortable and effective treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions.

How does the laser work? 

The laser generates in intense beam of light. This beam brings energy to a specific site, through a small handpiece connected to the laser console.  The laser light is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin (bright red blood cells carrying oxygen) and melanin/pigment (black or brown pigment found in the skin) causing decomposition or destruction by heat of unwanted cells, while leaving healthy cells intact.

What is a vascular lesion? 

A vascular lesion is formed by abnormally large or numerous blood vessels located directly under the surface of the skin. These vessels may be visible through the skin or result in a red appearance of the skin.

What is a pigmented lesion? 

Melanin is the dark pigment present in skin and it is produced by melanocytes. Pigmented lesions occur when an abundance of melanocytes are found in the skin. When dark pigment multiplies, it forms freckles, brown age spots and moles.

What should the patient expect during and after treatment? 

Treatment may vary depending upon patient characteristics and the area being treated. You will be asked to wear special goggles to protect your eyes from the intense beam of laser light.

You will be placed in a reclining position, depending on the location of the treatment. The doctor will use a pencil thin handpiece to direct a beam of laser light to the lesion. 

In most cases, anesthesia is not required. Some patients report feeling a slight stinging sensation during the treatment followed by some redness which usually goes away in 2 to 4 hours. Some swelling may also be experienced and may last 1 to 2 days. 

Unlike old technologies, the DioLite 532 treatment will not cause any purple skin discoloration or bruised appearance to the treated skin. Post operative care is minimal. Your doctor may ask you to use an antibacterial treatment on the treated area for a short period of time and will suggest that you stay out of the sun during the healing process. 

Final treatment results should be evident within 10 to 14 days after treatment for vascular lesions and within 2 to 3 weeks after treatment for pigmented lesions. In the meantime, normal daily activities can be resumed with only a slight redness evident at the treatment area.

What does the laser look and sound like? 

The laser is small, about the size of a DVD player. As pulses of energy leave the end of the handpiece fiber, you will hear a soft beeping sound.

What conditions are treated with the laser?

Vascular lesions: 

Facial telangiectasia's, which are spider veins caused by a dilation of capillary vessels or arterioles. 

Cherry Angiomas, which are slightly raised red lesions. 

Spider Angiomas, which are slightly raised red spiderlike lesions. 

Rosacea, which are red facial lesions around the nose and cheeks causing a sunburned look.

Pigmented lesions: 

Lentigines, which are flat brown spots on the skin present with frequent sun exposure. 

Keratoses, which are slightly elevated pigmented spots often found on the back and hands. 

Freckles, which are the brownish spots on skin and are most common on people with fair skin. 

What are the benefits of laser treatment?

Excellent and consistent outcome with minimal to no discoloration, swelling or complications.  Friendly and gentle treatment which is typically performed without anesthesia and with minimal discomfort. 

Simple treatment with minimal care before and after treatment. 

Comfortable surrounding with the treatment being performed in your doctors office and taking only minutes.

How will I know if laser treatment is right for me? 

Ask your doctor. After a brief examination your doctor can determine if laser treatment is appropriate for you.


Originally developed by Dr. Frederick Mohs in the 1930s, Mohs micrographic surgery is now state-of-the-art care for many skin cancers. It offers a cure rate as high as 99.4%. It is the single most effective surgical technique for removing the two most common types of skin cancers. It is only performed by specially trained dermatologists.

In Mohs surgery the minimum amount of healthy tissue is taken in very narrow slices which are then mapped and examined in real time while the patient waits. Narrow successive slices are taken precisely where any skin cancer remains until no further evidence of cancer remains at the surgical site. This results in a very precise and complete removal of the skin cancer that preserves the maximum amount of healthy tissue. Consideration of a number of factors is important when determining whether Mohs surgery is the best option for a particular skin cancer.


Dermatologic surgery is performed to treat medically necessary and cosmetic conditions of the skin, nails, hair, and mucous membranes. Excisional skin surgery involves relatively superficial structures and is performed under local anesthesia with minimal blood loss.  The goal of these procedures is to maintain the health, function and cosmetic appearance of your skin. Recovery time is usually minimal.
Procedure sites are often allowed to heal naturally by granulation which generally leads to an excellent cosmetic outcome. They can also be closed with sutures.
Conditions for which dermatologic procedures are used include the following:
Skin cancer treatment
Treatment of sun damaged skin
Age spots and birthmark correction
Removing benign lesions on the skin
Varicose vein treatment
Management of skin diseases such as acne, vitiligo and rosacea.
Scar Revision
Tattoo removal
Laser resurfacing, Thermage, microdermabrasion and cryotherapy may be employed as described elsewhere in this site.


Risk factors for skin cancer include being exposed to ultraviolet radiation in natural sunlight or in artificial light from tanning beds. Having a fair complexion that includes red or blonde hair, light colored eyes, and a light shade of skin color. Also a weakened immune system, prior radiation therapy, and certain inherited genes are risk factors. Use of sunscreens and avoidance of sun exposure are the two single biggest things that can be done to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Skin cancers are generally broken down into the categories of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. The non-melanoma skin cancers, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma, are the most common types. Melanoma is also common and the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Early detection and treatment is critical. Whole body skin examinations are offered and routinely performed in our clinic.

Often suspicious lesions are first biopsied to determine their nature before being treated. Various treatment modalities are employed to treat precancerous and cancerous lesions. These include cryotherapy, shave excisions, full excisions, Mohs surgery, topical chemo therapeutic and immune response modifying creams.  The particular treatment modality is chosen based on the type of skin cancer, the location on body, and patient preference.

Melanoma warning signs to watch for:


A is for asymmetry. If you draw a line through center one half will not match the other. B is for border. The borders are often irregular or notched. C is for color. Having a more than one color in the same mole. D is for diameter. Melanomas are oft larger then the size of a pencil eraser. E is for evolution. Any change in a mole’s shape, color, size or if starts to bleed or itch.

Basal cell carcinoma warning signs to watch for:

He non-healing sore that bleeds. A shiny translucent pink or white bump or nodule. A pink growth that is slightly elevated with rolled borders and sometimes tiny blood vessels growing over the top.

Squamous cell carcinoma warning signs to watch for:

A persistent red patch or bump that sometimes crusts or bleeds. 

An open sore that bleeds and crusts.


How does it work?

As you age, the collagen in your skin breaks down resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. Thermage uses patented radio frequency technology to safely heat the layers of your skin, stimulating existing collagen and promoting new collagen growth for younger looking skin.Benefits include the tightening of sagging skin, better definition of facial features around the eyes, jaw and neckline, and even the smoothing and sculpting of unsightly bulges and wrinkles on the face and body. 

How long will the results last? 

The effects continue to improve for up to six months following a single treatment. Results can last for years depending on your skin condition and the natural aging process. 

How long before I can return to normal activities? 

There's no special care needed after the procedure and most patients return to their regular activities immediately following treatment.

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